Matisha Baldwin as Madam CJ Walker singing “Shampoo and Pomade Queen” 3/5/20 (fan video)
Amanda Kruger as Sally Ride singing “ Stars” 3/5/20 (fan video)Cast of Glass Ceilings at Rockwell sing “100 Years” 3/5/20 (fan video)
Wendy Rosoff and Frankie Zabilka perform “Mansplaining”at ASCAP Foundation’s A Little New Music on 6/26/19
Natalie Masini as ‘The Senator’ answers questions from the press (Natalie Lander & Frankie Zabilka) in “Fine” presented as part of Foundation for New American Musical’s Musi-CAL on 10/14/19
Luke Adams and Christina Lea perform “I’m Jackie Mitchell” as part of Foundation for New American Musical’s Musi-CAL on 9/2018
Randi De Marco as Sacagawea sings “I Saw the Sea” 3/5/20 (fan video)
Natalie Lander (with help from Wendy Rosoff, Matisha Baldwin, and Natalie Masini) sings “Take Back the Night” as part of Foundation for New American Musical’s Musi-CAL on 10/14/19